Thursday, January 28, 2010
Snowed In...
So we were in our room at the Walnut Inn and we know that the snow is coming. The morning will bring several inches of snow. So, we decide that we won't wait for the snow to get out of town. We will get out of dodge before the snow comes. Well, just before we left the inn keeper tells us that the weather is coming out of the south. (the direction that we are going) Honestly? Snow coming out of the south? We decide that if we leave early enough then we will beat the weather and it will just rain by the time we meet up with it. Um.. thats not really what happened. About an hour and a half into the trip we hit snow. We press on as long as we can, but when we see a motel we decide it's better to stay the night and see what happens in the morning. So thats where we are. Hanging out in a motel room with snow falling around us in Harrison Arkansas. Thank God for wireless internet access. If the roads are at all passable then we will be home tomorrow. If not, then I guess we'll see what all that Harrison has to offer. Woot.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
What many wonders Springfield has to offer.
Springfield is a wondrous land with many sights and sounds to behold.
The day began with a breakfast at the Walnut Street Inn again. The food they serve here is nothing less than grummet. I knew that we were getting fed, but I had no idea that we were getting this kind of tasty treats. We had Ham and Cheese Crepes, Banana Muffins, and Fruit. Everything was perfect to a "T". The breakfast this morning was rivaled only by the breakfast from the morning before (some type of fruit infused french toast made with english muffins). We are both extremely excited to see what the morning has instore for us tomorrow.
I visited the last of the known music stores in the city of Springfield. One called Hoover Music. Despite the name, it did not suck. I actually came very close to making a purchase. I saw a Gretch guitar that was calling my name. It was unique and red so naturally I was drawn to it. But there was one that peaked my interest a little more. Surprise of surprises it was not a Fender or anything of the like, but a Epiphone SG. I know right, I, the critic of all things Epiphone and most of all the SG line (literally a slab of wood with a baseball bat split down the middle for a neck). It was set up just to my liking. I was impressed as much as I was surprised by my liking. The next thing that caught my attention at this shop was something that I've fiddled with before but never really seriously looked at. A Fender Supersonic amp. I have to say that the features and sounds that come with this amp are impressive. Gretch was a little too simple for the price, the Epi was a fluke, and the Fender was a little more than I was willing to commit at the time, so I walked out of another music store empty handed. That is probably for the better.

Next on the list of things to do was to visit Red Velvet Art. Its a little store started by this crafty girl with a lot of ambition. Jen has been a fan of her art and blog for sometime, so we used this little trip to meet the lady behind the blog. She was as portrayed in her blog; very bubbly and a huge fan of, "That sooo cute". I think I heard that fifteen times while we were looking in her little shop. Her little shop contained some very neat little things. We picked up a few vinyl stickers (probably my favorite thing) and when we asked about a print that we had been interested in she looked for but couldn't find it. She had a sample hanging on the wall so she took it down and gave it to us free of charge. So Elsie, if you are reading (fat chance) thank you very much, this was the highlight of my day. You made Jennifer extremely happy.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Honeymoon Day 1
So I didn't intend to blog from my honeymoon suite in the historic Walnut Street Inn, but I find some free time in the moments that Jen is getting ready to go out. We have big plans for the day. Mall, Music Stores, Red Velvet Art Studio are all on the agenda. The first night we spent we did something undeniably Jennifer; we went to Target. We continue our shopping today with the mall. An obvious choice but its first to get it out of the way. Are main attraction is the local shops and fun eateries that Springfield has to offer. Man, this is sounding like a review that you find in a visitor's guide.
On our way up to Springfield, we passed Branson. It's somewhat like a baby Shreveport. They have large billboards advertising no-name acts and impersonators. Reminds me of the good-ol-days back in 2001. The worst part of the trip has been the navigation of the new surroundings. It took an hour to find the Inn. But we are learning the lay of the land quickly. Maps in hand we about to set out to concur Springfield. It won't know what hit it.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
January Wedding
...and in January, we're getting married.
So, I'm married. You wanna know something? The Wedding was really fun. I enjoyed the service. I didn't think that I wouldn't like it, but I've heard that the groom just waits the whole thing to be over with so that he can run back home with his bride... and count all the gift cards...
I picked the right groomsmen. I was actually kind of surprised that they got along as well as they did. Only 2 of the groomsmen knew the other, but it seemed like the guys that didn't know each other got along the best. I guess I just have crazy-dorky friends, which probably makes me a crazy-dork as well. I'm fine with that.
The service was beautiful. The songs were perfect. The vows, written by our pastor, were great. I almost cried. She almost cried. It was, without a doubt, the greatest wedding ever.
Quick side note: as my best man took the ring out of his pocket, a dollar fell out of his pocket. Not knowing how to handle the situation he quickly step on the dollar to keep it from being seen. It was too late and the happening caused the entire attendance to chuckle. Classic Trent.
Dead is the old single man and alive is a union that will last forever.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Six (6)
So this is it. The week of the wedding has came at last. Pretty excited to say the least. I catch myself thinking a lot more about the wedding and everything around it. I thought about when we first met. It was at the BCM here. I met the guy that led the worship there on a mission trip, he asked me to play and I did. Shortly there after the BCM was taking a mission trip. I went. I remember thinking that I hope the cute girl was going. She didn't. It was Jen.
Jen really is the greatest match for me. I look around and a lot of our friends are getting married. There is two ways to look at it I guess. I can either think, "man they are getting screwed." because they didn't get Jen. (go me) Or the way which is probably better, "They are a match like me and Jen are a match." And I hope they are. But its hard to imagine other people as perfect as me and Jen are for one another. Don't get me wrong. We don't agree on everything, like, how many times to use a towel before washing it, or what size television we should have. But you can't escape things like that i guess.
Am I excite? Yes, if I wasn't, then there would be something wrong with me.
Jen really is the greatest match for me. I look around and a lot of our friends are getting married. There is two ways to look at it I guess. I can either think, "man they are getting screwed." because they didn't get Jen. (go me) Or the way which is probably better, "They are a match like me and Jen are a match." And I hope they are. But its hard to imagine other people as perfect as me and Jen are for one another. Don't get me wrong. We don't agree on everything, like, how many times to use a towel before washing it, or what size television we should have. But you can't escape things like that i guess.
Am I excite? Yes, if I wasn't, then there would be something wrong with me.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Away We Go, Weezer, Step by Step or Tastes, Pink Triangles, Pickles
So, the tittle of this blog and a little random and it is, but there is kind of a relevance to what this blog pertains. Today is Wednesday and that being what it is, me and Jen go to a bible study, or as we refer to it, our Lifegroup. Lifegroup is always interesting to say the least. Just the people that attend are a great collection of people that attend our little church. So, as always, after the study we stood around and talked with one another. I spoke with one of the other members. He is always ready with advice and words of encouragement. Except tonight he pretty much blew my mind.
Its no secret that I'm getting married in little more than a week, and I get advice about as much as I am asked "are you excited." Tonight was no different with this particular friend, he was ready with a word. Some of the details escape me at the moment, but was I really take away from our conversation was this little tidbit. He told me that, when married, the man is pregnant with his wife. I didn't stutter. "A man is Pregnant with his wife." These were his exact words. His point made a little more since, but still the concept is a little hard to imagine. He spoke about the love and support that a husband gives to his wife.
So yeah, a man is pregnant with his wife... that's definitely not what I expected to hear tonight... or ever.
Its no secret that I'm getting married in little more than a week, and I get advice about as much as I am asked "are you excited." Tonight was no different with this particular friend, he was ready with a word. Some of the details escape me at the moment, but was I really take away from our conversation was this little tidbit. He told me that, when married, the man is pregnant with his wife. I didn't stutter. "A man is Pregnant with his wife." These were his exact words. His point made a little more since, but still the concept is a little hard to imagine. He spoke about the love and support that a husband gives to his wife.
So yeah, a man is pregnant with his wife... that's definitely not what I expected to hear tonight... or ever.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Hello, Only Sorce Of Entertainment.
So I dont spend much time in my apartment by my self. Really I just get ready in the morning and when I come home jen is here for the most part. When she leaves I go to sleep so really I have little time to do much by myself. I not complaining. I love spending time with jen and people in general. I also enjoy my job. My point is that I don't know what to do with myself in my apartment all alone. As you can see, I blog. I feel a slight animosity towards computers just because I have to work with them at my place of employment. constantly being on a computer at work makes one not want to jump on a computer first thing when they get home, or on their day off for that matter. But here I am. Sometimes I feel like I should get paid for doing this.
The weather has been uncharacteristically cold here. (as it has been for the rest of the country) It hasn't been above freezing in three day here. It actually hase been a little nice. I mean, it's cold as junk, but the air is so crisp, and the skies are blue without a cloud. It really feels like winter. Maybe its the nodak (person from north dakota) coming out in me.
We have less than two week twill the wedding now. I'm excited. I ready to be married. I don't think it will be much different than it is now. There will be lots more of jen's things in the apartment, and she will start spending the night and getting ready here, and that's about it for the changes. We already spend the mass majority of our time with one another. I don't think there will be the weird getting used to the other persons idiosyncrasies. Super excited about the honeymoon. Getting away for a week would be great and spending that week with jen exploying a new city sounds like a perfect way to start our marriage.
The weather has been uncharacteristically cold here. (as it has been for the rest of the country) It hasn't been above freezing in three day here. It actually hase been a little nice. I mean, it's cold as junk, but the air is so crisp, and the skies are blue without a cloud. It really feels like winter. Maybe its the nodak (person from north dakota) coming out in me.
We have less than two week twill the wedding now. I'm excited. I ready to be married. I don't think it will be much different than it is now. There will be lots more of jen's things in the apartment, and she will start spending the night and getting ready here, and that's about it for the changes. We already spend the mass majority of our time with one another. I don't think there will be the weird getting used to the other persons idiosyncrasies. Super excited about the honeymoon. Getting away for a week would be great and spending that week with jen exploying a new city sounds like a perfect way to start our marriage.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
The Big Day?
Today I blog to you ("you" most likely meaning jennifer) from a new location. A location that I have never before blogged from, a suit. Although this may not be a actually location, the fact remains that I am still dressed in better than my "Sunday Best". Why am I so dressed up on a Saturday? (do I even have to say?) A wedding of course. What else of significance happens on a Saturday that calls for a suit (other than a funeral.) Who is getting married. Not I, not yet, we still have three week. (exactly three weeks, rather excited about that) It is none other than my very own sister. She is tying the knot three weeks prier to myself. But I won't really get into that.
This morning, before donning my suit. I started assembling a desk for a 2nd room. We have a desk but in order to separate the computer/music/record things and the things of a crafty nature, an addition of a second desk is needed. The construction is scheduled to end sometime is early 2012. Nothing much else to report. I look amazing in my new suit. (thanks Jen) We bought over a hundred dollars in groceries. (Thanks for the WM giftcards)
Oh, just remembered, If you ever have the thought cross your mind that you may want to see the movie "the last kiss", do yourself a favor and don't. Go watch "the village" or "lady in the water" but whatever you do, don't see "the last kiss" Its pretty much about people screwing their already messed of lives with amazing acts of stupidity. (I just made it sound way more exciting than it actually is)
This morning, before donning my suit. I started assembling a desk for a 2nd room. We have a desk but in order to separate the computer/music/record things and the things of a crafty nature, an addition of a second desk is needed. The construction is scheduled to end sometime is early 2012. Nothing much else to report. I look amazing in my new suit. (thanks Jen) We bought over a hundred dollars in groceries. (Thanks for the WM giftcards)
Oh, just remembered, If you ever have the thought cross your mind that you may want to see the movie "the last kiss", do yourself a favor and don't. Go watch "the village" or "lady in the water" but whatever you do, don't see "the last kiss" Its pretty much about people screwing their already messed of lives with amazing acts of stupidity. (I just made it sound way more exciting than it actually is)
Friday, January 1, 2010
New Years
Happy 2010. I don't really get into new years traditions. I think its the way that black-eyed-pea and collared green farmers try to sell more peas and greens. I do however like the new year resolutions. I've come to find that they are less resolutions but more like things that you try to do for a while. I have a couple things that I'd like to do more of in 2010.
1)Read more bible.
I'd love to really get into and start learning more of what it says on a personal level.
2)Work out.
I don't really care if its at the house or in a gym, but I'd just like to be more active and physical.
3)Eat out less and learn how to cook more things.
I enjoy cooking and I alway feel better about eating what I make and not getting something fried. Although I don't doubt that canes and chic-fil-a will still be present in my diet. Hopefully on a much less frequent basis though.
Speaking of eating out. I've placed a ban on all fast food for the next two weeks. I've bought a desk for the apartment, but in order to afford it I have to tighten down on all extra spending. I hope that I'll stick to it. Food is kinda my weakness. I do it almost everyday. I wouldn't mind working it out of my diet completely. I am a firm believer that you can taste the love with which the food is made. It doesn't taste the same when its not made with love.
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