Springfield is a wondrous land with many sights and sounds to behold.
The day began with a breakfast at the Walnut Street Inn again. The food they serve here is nothing less than grummet. I knew that we were getting fed, but I had no idea that we were getting this kind of tasty treats. We had Ham and Cheese Crepes, Banana Muffins, and Fruit. Everything was perfect to a "T". The breakfast this morning was rivaled only by the breakfast from the morning before (some type of fruit infused french toast made with english muffins). We are both extremely excited to see what the morning has instore for us tomorrow.
I visited the last of the known music stores in the city of Springfield. One called Hoover Music. Despite the name, it did not suck. I actually came very close to making a purchase. I saw a Gretch guitar that was calling my name. It was unique and red so naturally I was drawn to it. But there was one that peaked my interest a little more. Surprise of surprises it was not a Fender or anything of the like, but a Epiphone SG. I know right, I, the critic of all things Epiphone and most of all the SG line (literally a slab of wood with a baseball bat split down the middle for a neck). It was set up just to my liking. I was impressed as much as I was surprised by my liking. The next thing that caught my attention at this shop was something that I've fiddled with before but never really seriously looked at. A Fender Supersonic amp. I have to say that the features and sounds that come with this amp are impressive. Gretch was a little too simple for the price, the Epi was a fluke, and the Fender was a little more than I was willing to commit at the time, so I walked out of another music store empty handed. That is probably for the better.

Next on the list of things to do was to visit Red Velvet Art. Its a little store started by this crafty girl with a lot of ambition. Jen has been a fan of her art and blog for sometime, so we used this little trip to meet the lady behind the blog. She was as portrayed in her blog; very bubbly and a huge fan of, "That sooo cute". I think I heard that fifteen times while we were looking in her little shop. Her little shop contained some very neat little things. We picked up a few vinyl stickers (probably my favorite thing) and when we asked about a print that we had been interested in she looked for but couldn't find it. She had a sample hanging on the wall so she took it down and gave it to us free of charge. So Elsie, if you are reading (fat chance) thank you very much, this was the highlight of my day. You made Jennifer extremely happy.
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