I know most people would be excited to have a day off during the week, but I am kinda forced to take a day off now. I actually enjoyed making the overtime, but it probably for the best that I only spend 4o hours of my week there. Honestly, I think that place can drive a person mad. In my opinion, it already has. (not me of course)
What am I doing on this glorious day with no work related obligations? Well, So far I've woke up, showered, drank a cup of coffee, (jen if you are reading this, we need to get better coffee... the target stuff is not cutting it) and spent a good deal of time looking up scales and various other techniques for the guitar. I think that is what I'm going to focus on during my days off. I'm going to better myself at the guitar, my instrument of choice. I guess since I own 6 (six) guitars (and three basses) I should invest time into bettering my skills. I know that six guitars sounds like a lot, but each one has characteristics that make it unique. I have a tele with thin-line humbuckers, another tele with p-90s, another tele with humbuckers, an SG with humbuckers, a guild jumbo acoustic, and a washburn acoustic. I still pine for gear and whatnot but I try to keep the toll of my interest to a minimum. When your money goes for "my money" to "our money" you have to check yourself. I'd have no problem buy a pedal for a hundred or two hundred dollar, if it were really the one that I could not live without, but jen would not see the value in that. I admit there are just as many cases that I don't see how you can spend what she would on her crafty things or other nic-nacs that fills her heart with flutters.
In order to constructively spend my time on my off days, I will devote at least one hour to learning a new skill on the guitar. Although I have no material and most of the material online is on a purchase basis, or poorly written in a wiki format. Perhaps I will keep an eye out for a book to advance my skill. I have been playing for 11 years and maybe my learning curve has plato-ed. Hopefully I can teach this old guitar-dog some new tricks.