Friday, February 26, 2010

Pay Day

Usually this is a good day but today was no so joyous. I've been told not to work any overtime. This coming after a time of 6-day weeks and 9-hour days. There is a big difference in my checks then and my checks now. Needless to say, I was disappointed.

I plan to make some pretty major change in the near future. I don't really know what all may change, but I'll keep you abreast of what happens. Now there are just plans, plans that are to prone to change to commit to posting.

Maybe its just the weather, but its kind of a down day. There's not a whole lot to get excited about. I even plan to hang out with one of my good friend later on. This is something I haven't done in a while and I was pretty excited about doing that, but its cold and raining and that pretty much sucks the fun out of everything.

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