Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Babies Are Like Santa

So I have been a terrible blogger and haven't done anything in weeks. I don't think that I'm really letting down the masses but if by some reason you like to check in on my life, then sorry I have been unforthcoming of any new of late. Actually to be honest, I'm not really sorry. Blogging about one's self is not normal or mandatory.

Life has been interesting to say the least for me. I will now give you a brief overveiw of the last chunk of my life.

Jen and I are having a baby. We don't wait for anything I guess. I certinly didn't wait to ask her to marry me, and she didn't wait to tell me we are having a baby. I know that Jen is the one birthing the child, but I like to use the pronoun "we" because its a team effert. I'm just more like the left fielder, and Jen the picher.

We found out the we were to be parent the same night the I became violently ill with a stomach bug. I couldn't count the number of times I empty the containts of my stomach, and then heeved after there were no more containts left. It lasted for about 36 hours. Jen got it too. We were a sad sight.

Next came telling our parent the we were expecting. That was fun. There was much disbelief and congadulations. Its a very complex emotion you feel when you hear the news. I guess its much like the first time you hear about christmas. Its terribly exciting, but theres that wait. You hear about all the wonderus thing that are going to happen on this day, but the day seems so far away. And for the time being you prepare for the coming of that day. First you mind your mannors because you have to be good for santa, and then you decorate the house, read books about whats going to happen. So in some ways, Babies are like Santa.

Oh yeah, I'm going into the air force. Don't forget about that. My dates for basic have not been set, but they may be moved. I told my recruitor that I would like to move the dates back so that I can go to school this fall. He told that it shouldn't be a problem. He also said that getting insurance shouldn't be a probem either, and oh my...

The insurance... So Me and Jen thought that it wouldn't be a problem at all to set up insurance being that I am in the air force. Well, Its about to drive us up the wall. I guess it is a little early in my offical air force career, but this is one of the benifits of joining the armed services. I signed on the dotted line, so where are the rewards. I went shopping on base... don't get me started on that. They gave me the run-around about that too...

So I bet you thinking to your self that this is a rather long post. That may be due to the fact that I'm not only blogging but also procrastanating going running. And speaking of my phyical exploits. My running has gotten a little faster. I run a mile in just over 8 minutes. A mile and a half is still hanging around 13.5 minutes but I'm working on that. My set-ups are holding steddy at 50 in a minute, and my push up have incressed to 25 in a minute. Rather inpressed with that last stat. I've gone from maybe doing 10 to 25. although Its been a long road. Its still a long road to 45, but I have hope. I have to keep at this crap, and I'm not really getting anywhere by sitting on my coatch typing on the computer...

Untill Next time...

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