Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Bucks and Spurs

25 day. That's how many days are left. You know. I thought there would be a little more going on but right now we are looking at bed and breakfast places in Springfield Missouri. Bucks and Spurs is the name of the one that we will not be staying at. Tell you the truth I'm not to picky. I'm rather excited about the whole marriage bit and being husband and wife with all that entails. Don't be so fast to head the gutter. I can't wait to have a consistent companion, someone to share my life with, not that we haven't been sharing our lives for the past year, but after the wedding it seems like we will stop a lot of traveling between houses, and began to really settle down and make a home. Jen has done a wonderful job of that in the time I've been in the apartment. The Kitchen and Bathroom are decorated and coordinated.

The apt really feels like home now. Laundry is still done at the parents house, causing my clothes to come back terribly wrinkled. Oh well, it could be worse. I could have to do my dirty laundry at a laundry mat. (shame upon shame)

Me and Jen saw a movie that we missed seeing it the theater. Away We Go. I can't really explain the plot but its mostly about a couple have a baby, or rather, being pregnant. They don't even have the baby in the movie. So I don't really know what the movies is about, but I enjoyed it, and I'm pretty sure that Jen Liked it too.

Please ignore the subtitles.

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