As one man said, "We get a lot of mileage out of this tired, English word 'love'." I agree. We use it way too much with out really knowing what it means. It's really hard to know it when you really don't know what it is. So I guess this is my explanation of it. If you want to know what I think then please, continue to read.
Love is God.
Or God is Love rather. Somethings sit in paradox. Take for instance the case in scripture that states that God hates Sin. Lets take this thing down to its roots. God is Love, or God=Love. Basically you can exchange Love for God in any piece of scripture. So Lets do that. God Hates Sin, so Love hates Sin. Can we just ponder that for a second. Love hating anything sounds like a contradiction or oxymoron. But I think that if we really understood Love/God then it wouldn't be so confusing. Maybe Love isn't the opposite of Hate. Maybe Love is something completely different. Maybe Love isn't this emotion that leads us to feel mushy, warm and fuzzy.
We have to distinguish between Love and
There is so much telling us that Love is this want to gratify someone else
I want warm and fuzzies (and I have them to)
God (Love) is for warm and fuzzies. God is our Father. Like a father, he delights in our joy. He is happy when we are made happy. Think of a father. He gives his son a kite. The son take the kite outside and puts it in the air. It flies high into the sky and the son take great pleasure in this. The father watches and is pleased. Take the same father and son. The father bring his son the same kite. The son takes the kite and starts to tear it apart, ripping the fabric, breaking the string and doles that hold it together. The son enjoyed his deviousness. The father is dismayed. God is the same way. He gives us Love. We can do with it as we should or we can turn it into something that it was never meant to be.
God Is and Was the greatest example of Love. The sacrifices of Jesus was the greatest gift of Love that was ever displayed. I think that we can't separate Love from Love. Real (honest to God) Love still steams from when Jesus hung on the cross and died. Sometimes it get out of focus (at least for me) when I use the word love. I Love my fiance, but I also Love Tacos... The word is used in serious and rather non-serious context sometimes even in the same sentence. I Love my fiance much more than tacos...
So Love, It is a Mighty Mighty Good Thing.
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