I'm not much for conspiracy theories but it seems to me that Apple, the newly reborn computer giant, is pushing a liberal agenda...?
First off, let me say I hate politics, and I don't really know what to think. It seems that all streams of media preach one extreme or the other. To tell you the truth, I'm sick of it. I actually have no cable at my apartment and it's great. The longer I spent without it the more other people idea's about "trending topics" seemed to be amazingly strange. I'll be honest, I grew up in a conservative home. My father watches Fox News and likes O'Reily. I can't stand anyone who thinks by raising their voice and spouting one sided facts can change anyone's opinion on anything.
Down here in the south you get a lot of Johnny Reb Republicans that think Jesus must be coming back soon because there a democrat in the White House and low and behold, he is a black man. That man is the Whitest "Black Man" I've ever seen. All that aside, I know there are lots of differences between the Right and the Left, but all you see and hear about is Abortion and Gay Marriage. I hate abortion. I wince when I say it, I also hate to bring it up in a blog that hardly anyone will see. It is a point that has many opinions, but I found it hard to find any reason to knowingly end a life thou be it dependent on another person. I've heard it agued that as Christians we should be against abortion, but law is not based on morals, it is based on justice, therefore we are not charged to make the act illegal, but to care for the ones that have the abortion, or want one. To be honest I don't see how it could become illegal. It would take would take an amazing turn of direction for this country. I guess the same could be said for Gay Marriage. That the act is still a perversion, but the person is still loved by God and we are compelled to Love people no matter our differences.
I have friends that think very different than me. One in particular is a very liberal thinker. If gay marriage were legalized by federal law then I could imagine her smiling, clapping and giggling while saying "Yay gay people!" And if Pot was Legalized, again she would say, "Yay, Pot-heads!" She'd be thrilled that these people would no longer have to be suppressed by laws. But what if it were drunk driving that was legalized, or robbery, or arson. But I guess that some issues are not moral absolutes. That was kind of a skewed point.
Back to Apple. Apple is a company that has an image. One that is attracting many people. They have rose from the ashes to once again be major competitors in the computer and technology market. I'm thrilled that there is a platform that is pressing forward in a new direction. It gives hope that we will not have limited technology monopoly. Apple is seeing huge favoritism from younger consumers. Younger consumers are typically more liberal thinkers and swing more to the Left. So, Apple tends to promote a more Liberal image and please their customer base. Apple wants to be cool and hip, but they really just want your money. So all the image is a thin guise to cover up the truth. They want to sell more product to make more money. Capitalism... hmm maybe they're Right-winged...
(sorry for the lame graphic, i hate gimp)