I have three blogs. And maybe some of you out there have more. Well congratulations to you, you win. For me, one blog is enough to post on regularly, but I decided to branch out. I have this one of corse and it is my main one. I just post my random thoughts on here, you basic everyday stuff. Then you have my music blog. I like to post about my gear that I use and what I'm doing and listening to musically. Then there is a story I'm writing. I'm doing that bit by bit (or post by post) on another blog. Thats a project all on its own, because I want people to input and make suggestion of how things should happen in the story, kind of like a collective effort. I've made links to all the other blogs, plus my wife's blog, other on the right. Feel free to check them out if you'd like. Three blog really don't take over a life.
It's everything else that takes over your life. My wife started blogging first. I just went with the flow. Started posting stuff on my own blog just to practice my creative writing and whatever. After a little while my wife asked me how does she know if anyone is reading her blog. No one had left any comments. So I looked into it. Google and there many tools came to the rescue. There is Google Analytics for keeping track of the visitors to your sight. It tells you how many visits you have and how many clicks on different pages you get. It keeps track of it so you can see how well you are doing compared to yesterday or the week before and so on. So that was good enough for her, but then I found Google Adsence. That puts ads on you blog (or website) and when visitor click on it you get a small monetary compensation. Then there is Google Webmaster Tools. Oh my, that is a beast in it's self. It tells you how google sees your blog (or site) and tells you what keywords or showing up the most and other useful, although boring and time wasting.
But even then there is more. You can use services such as dlvr.it to post to all your social media outlets. When I blog here it shows up on twitter, Facebook, and tumblr, and something called linkedin. So I have a lot of plates spinning with this whole blog thing. But you want to know something that just blows my mind. I do all this and my wife, who doesn't use any of this crap, still blows my blog away in visits.
(Mind Blowing Image)
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