Sunday, May 16, 2010

Its My Birthday!

B-Day quote, "Super-Size that jumbo mofo".

My dear wife got me a wii for my birthday. I've mentioned this before, but today we got it set up with netflix. Its pretty much awesome. You can watch movie online on your TV. We actually watched some of season 6 of King of the Hill. Its was pretty exciting. We watch a ton of movies at the Apt. This is mostly due to the fact that we don't have cable. Netflix is amazing and even more so now that we're aren't stuck watching movies on our tiny laptop. I recommend Netflix for anyone not wanting to get cable but still wanting to enjoy movies and even some TV shows. Not to mention the fact that you can receive movies by mail.

Now that the shameless plug is over. I'm a little nervous about going back to work tomorrow. I got into a little altercation with a "boss" and it may have long lived consequences. I'm not terribly worried, but the co-worker is rather unreasonable at times. Its a good thing she really doesn't have much authority over me.

My wife found these guys and I have to hand it to them. They are pretty cool.

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