Thursday, July 8, 2010

Frustration and Neglect.

Sorry to all the people that got used to the idea of my blog being a regular thing. This is just like most other things in my life. I start and then my interests wains. Obviously I have not blogged in about a month and for that apologize.

So what has been going on in the silence? A lot. I can't really break down everything thats been going on but there are some highlights. Something that I've been missing is church. I hate missing, but I have managed to miss three weeks in a row. Inventory at my work place, Family matters (not the TV show), and my friend wedding (in which I was a groomsmen) have all taken me away from my regular place of worship. I miss meeting with that particular body of believers and playing with the band. My guitars have been all scattered about our extra room, but I haven't given them much attention. I'm looking forward to this Saturday and breaking the streak.

Me and the Misses have also began enjoy watching TV Series via our Wii. We should be spokespeople for Netflix. We don't have Cable here at the apartment so that means we don't get to watch episodes of new show, but that leaves time for us to enjoy the shows that we've neglected to watch when they were aired. We started with Arrested Development. Most recently we've started watching Pushing Daises. I've saddened by the fact that PD only ran 2 seasons. I guess a murder mystery with a supernatural twist has a limited lifespan, but I wouldn't mind another season or two. I hear that there is going to be a comic book or graphic novel.

So I have been struggling with a pedal and a modification of said pedal. Its been a long struggle with no avail. I'm struggling to find something that I did wrong. The most frustration thing is that it worked before I messed with it and now its nothing but a bunch of frustration. Not to mention the fact that I paid $30 for the mod. Frustration.

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